I can’t find heartbeat on Doppler: 7 proven things to do

can't find heartbeat on doppler

Pregnancy is an incredible journey for every woman. As every mom-to-be wants to make sure that her baby is healthy and feeling good, fetal Doppler became an invaluable tool for prenatal care. This essential device helps to soothe parents-to-be’s anxiety about their pregnancy between prenatal check-ups. However, there are some cases when parents can’t find heartbeat on doppler. “Did something happen to my baby?” or “Am I just using it wrong?”. Our comprehensive guide will answer all your questions and instruct you on the steps you should take if you can’t find the heartbeat using a fetal heartbeat monitor.

Reasons why I can’t find heartbeat on Doppler

When you cannot hear your baby’s heartbeat with at-home fetal Doppler, that doesn’t mean that you are having a miscarriage; that’s not always the case. There are so many common and non-emergency reasons. So, let’s dive deeper to find out why you may not hear your baby’s heartbeat with a Doppler in early pregnancy.

#1. It’s too early

According to the Cardiac Center, at home fetal Doppler can detect baby’s heartbeat from 9-12 weeks into the pregnancy. When you are a first-time mother, most likely, you can start hearing fetal heartbeat beginning from the 12th week. However, second-time mothers may hear their baby’s heartbeat much earlier. Many other factors influence you can’t find heartbeat on Doppler. For instance, your due date was calculated wrong, or you have an irregular period; that’s why you might not be as far along as you thought.

baby heartbeat doppler

#2. Your baby is too small

Another reason you can’t find baby heartbeat on doppler is that your baby is very small. A Doppler needs to be able to zoom in on the fetus in just the right way to pick up the sound of the heartbeat.

#3. You have a tilted uterus

Suppose you are one of the roughly 20% of people with a uterus whose uterus is retroverted (aka tilted or tipped). In that case, it means that your uterus is farther away from your abdominal wall than the more common anteverted position, and that could make it challenging to hear the fetal heartbeat. But do not worry, as your pregnancy progresses, your uterus will enlarge. Additionally, your baby’s heart will get bigger and stronger. So, when you can’t find heartbeat on Doppler because of this reason, be sure that you will succeed in your second trimester.

#4. Your at-home doppler is affected by body fat

Your body fat may affect the fetal Doppler’s ability to detect the sound of your baby’s heartbeat.  In this case, an ultrasound can be used as an alternative to at-home Doppler to see the fetal heartbeat by placing the transducer on your lower belly.

doppler for pregnancy heartbeat doppler at home fetal doppler

#5. Your placenta is in the way

Another reason why you can’t find heartbeat on Doppler is that your placenta is in the way. It may be hard for at-home fetal Doppler to pick up the blood flow through your placenta. However, as your baby’s heart increases, the fetal Doppler will work great no matter where your placenta is. When you haven’t used at-home fetal Doppler before, you may misinterpret the sound of the placenta as the fetal heartbeat. Our comprehensive guide, “Baby Heart Doppler: 8 key tips to easily identify heartbeat and avoid confusing placenta sounds,” will teach you how to distinguish these two sounds.

Can’t find baby heartbeat on Doppler? Steps to take

When you can’t find heartbeat on Doppler at home, here’s what you should do.

1. Wait Until 12 Weeks

Once you buy a fetal Doppler, start using it after 12 weeks of pregnancy to avoid the situation “I can’t find heartbeat on Doppler.” Before this, your baby’s heartbeat might be too faint to detect. Waiting a bit longer can ensure a stronger heartbeat and more accurate results.

2. Wait Until Your Baby Grows Bigger

Your baby’s size and position in the uterus play a significant role in detecting a heartbeat. As your baby grows, it becomes easier to find the heartbeat, so patience can go a long way.

3. Relax and Consider Alternate Explanations

There are several non-threatening reasons for not hearing a heartbeat:

  • Baby’s Position: Your baby might have moved to a position where the heartbeat is harder to detect.
  • Empty Bladder: Many women find it easier to hear a heartbeat with a full bladder.
  • Improper Positioning: Ensure you’re reclining slightly to prop up your uterus. Avoid standing up while using the Doppler.
  • Incorrect Use: Even if you’ve used the Doppler successfully before, it’s possible to make errors in technique.
  • Too Much Gel: Too much gel can create air bubbles, increase static, and make it difficult to hear the heartbeat. About the importance of ultrasound gel, you can read in our article “8 proven reasons ultrasound gel is vital for fetal monitoring.”

4. Try Again Later

When you can’t find heartbeat on Doppler, take a break and try again later. Sometimes, waiting a few hours can make a difference as your baby may move to a more favorable position.

5. Try Our Proven Fetal Doppler Tips

Below, you may find a list of our proven tips for finding fetal heartbeat with fetal heartbeat monitor.

  • Applying a generous (but not excessive) amount of gel to the Doppler probe.
  • Move the probe slowly and systematically around your lower abdomen.
  • Listen patiently and adjust angles to capture faint sounds.
  • Use the Doppler in a quiet room to minimize distractions.

For more detailed information on how to use fetal Doppler, read our comprehensive guide, “Step-by-step guide on how to use a fetal heartbeat Doppler.”

6. Call Your Healthcare Provider

If you can’t find heartbeat on Doppler after several attempts, it’s necessary to contact your healthcare provider. They can perform a professional ultrasound to confirm your baby’s well-being.

7. Send a Sound Clip of Abnormalities

If you’re concerned about irregular sounds or static, consider recording and sending a sound clip to your healthcare provider for review. This can help them assess whether further investigation is needed.

8. Seek Emergency Care

Sometimes, when you can’t find heartbeat on Doppler, immediate medical attention is necessary. Seek emergency care if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Heavy bleeding or spotting
  • Severe abdominal cramping
  • A significant decrease in pregnancy symptoms

Word from SonoHealth

The situation when a mom-to-be can’t find heartbeat on Doppler can be stressful, but it’s important to remain calm and follow these tips. In most cases, the issue is resolved with time, adjustments in technique, or professional assistance. Always prioritize communication with your healthcare provider to ensure the best care for you and your baby.

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